The current version includes U.S. 2025 Payroll tax tables and UK PAYE 2025-2026 tax rates and thresholds.
Stansoft accounting and payroll software is free, paid support is available.
The software needs to be installed on a Linux server, but can be accessed from Windows or Mac clients via a terminal emulator. The Linux server can reside on a physical local machine, a virtual server using VirtualBox, or a virtual server in the cloud such as Amazon AWS.
This product includes PostgreSQL software that is distributed in accordance with the PostgreSQL license.
This product includes Aubit4GL written by the Aubit Development Team, the Aubit4GL source code can be obtained under the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
Stansoft Quick Start Guide for UK VAT Making Tax Digital (MTD)
Stansoft Quick Start Guide for UK PAYE Payroll
Support related questions can be sent to or posted on our forum. If you would like to purchase annual support, payment can be submitted below.
How do I print to my local printer when running Stansoft on a remote server?
On your printer enable Require IPP Authentication and set a username and password. To print to this printer over the Internet from your remote Linux server running Stansoft, setup a printer using CUPS with the IPPS protocol.
Make sure to substitute ‘user’ and ‘password’ with the correct values you set on the printer and ‘local’ with the Internet IP address of the printer. If the printer is on a LAN with NAT in use, you will need to setup port forwarding in the router for port 631.
Can a report be searched for a value greater than a certain number?
While viewing the report on screen, press the forward slash key ‘/’, this will allow you to type in a search pattern in the lower left of the screen. You can then enter a regular expression to search. For example to search on all numbers greater than 200 enter the following:
The ‘+’ continues the search on up beyond 999 in this case, and the ‘\.’ searches for numbers ending with a decimal, which is useful if searching for money amounts. Use keys ‘n’ and ‘N’ to search forward and backwards.
On Ubuntu 22.04 LTS why does the installation exit with error OPENLDAP_2.200 version?
The version of libldap included with this version of Ubuntu does not work with the included version in Stansoft. This is a dependency of the included PostgreSQL. Upgrade to Ubuntu 24.04 LTS. Alternatively you can use the system PostgreSQL package on Ubuntu 22.04 as follows:
On Ubuntu 22.04 LTS when running the startup script it exits with Error opening terminal: linux
You need to use a TERM from /usr/share/terminfo, such as linux-vt, xterm-color, or vt100.
TERM=linux-vt /opt/stansoft/stansoft
When using the PuTTY terminal why does the numeric keypad insert characters ‘q’ thru ‘y’?
If PuTTY appears not to recognize input from the numeric keypad, disabling Application Keypad Mode should resolve the problem:
Select the PuTTY icon in the upper-left corner of the window. From the drop-down menu, select Change Settings > Terminal > Features
Under “Enabling and disabling advanced terminal features”, check “Disable application keypad mode”. If you want this setting to persist, make sure to select a saved session and save it.
When using PuTTY, why are the lines around pop up boxes not being drawn properly?
Check to see what your current locale encoding is, in a terminal run: locale charmap This should output something like UTF-8 or ISO-8859-1, set Putty to match this under Window > Translation > Remote character set.
The demo data can optionally be installed; it is a fully setup database that can be used as an example when setting up your database.
PostgreSQL is the default database and is included with Stansoft. There is also support for IBM Informix Innovator-C database. If you choose to use Informix it can be downloaded from IBM at no charge.